It's important to remind ourselves daily that our primary role right now is not a friend, Uber driver, cook, personal shopper, or even caretaker. As Christian parents trying to guide our teens through the formative years, we are first and foremost protectors, battling on the front lines of a spiritual war for the souls of our children. Period.
Our teens are simply too ill-equipped, underdeveloped, and easily influenced to be left to their own devices. It's so easy to lose heart facing a force field of eye rolls and the endless, stubborn refusals to join any sort of family time. It can be tempting to cave when they're begging to keep their bedroom door closed, assuring you they "just wanna be friends" with the girl at school, or lobbying for more lenient parental control settings.
But we can't bend. It's misery at times, but we just can't. Instead, we've got to Navy Seal it up every day and hold the line. We must intentionally engage in daily battles to win the war. This kind of rhetoric might sound hyperbolic to those with littles, but parents of teens are most likely nodding "Amen" in desperate solidarity.
Tough love is true love, and God disciplines those He loves. Our kids might resent us in the moment, but we need to maintain high standards and protective measures to ensure our kids remain emotionally whole and walking in truth. They'll get it someday, just like we do now as adults, which leads to my next point.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Galina Zhigalova