Another telltale way we can recognize anxiety is starting to control our day is when we start self-soothing with certain things. Perhaps we start to crave sugary foods, ice cream, potato chips, or lots and lots of carbohydrates.
Perhaps we drink alcohol, even if this only looks like a few more glasses of wine each week than usual. Maybe we soothe with other things that can be problematic like compulsive shopping.
If we notice when we’re feeling stressed or sad that our first thought to help us feel better is having something sweet to eat or pouring a glass of wine, that’s a strong indicator our anxiety is taking control.
Often, we think we feel better when we eat sugary foods and carbohydrates, particularly those made of white flour. But usually, they have the opposite effect.
They make us feel sluggish and hurt our immunity, thereby increasing our tendency to experience stress. Alcohol is a depressant, and it can also cause further problems.
The Bible tells us that when we experience struggle, sadness, trouble, anxiety, or despair, we’re supposed to turn to God.
Food and drink or other earthly, fleshly things cannot solve our problems, and often they can make them worse. Sometimes these things become a sort of idol in our lives, too.
Ways to help with this: if you notice you are turning to food or something similar during times of anxiety, force yourself to stop. Drink a glass of water. Take a moment to sit in a quiet spot and breathe or focus on some mindfulness exercises.
If you are genuinely hungry for a meal, that is one thing. But ice cream can’t make the bogeyman go away. Look inward and try to put words to the emotions you are feeling.
Are you angry? Scared? Heartbroken? Lonely? What is the root of your anxiety at this moment? Sometimes naming it can be a huge help.
Meditate and pray on these Scriptures as well and see if there’s something God wants you to hear in them:
Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path: Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags (Psalm 23:19-21).
If you find honey, eat just enough — too much of it, and you will vomit (Proverbs 25:16).
For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes (Luke 12:23).
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