I think we are all used to seeking guidance from friends, family, and others when we face challenges in our life. God put us in communities, so we don’t have to navigate this life alone.
As great as all those resources might be, none are all-knowing. Even the wisest counselor falls short of all our divine God.
Sometimes we forget this. I know I did many times. Yet every time I went to Him in prayer for guidance, He never failed me. If we were struggling with an educational need or a discipline situation, He always provided the resources I needed when I needed them.
We have been blessed with many wise counselors, tutors, educational support, for all members of our families. We talk about the importance of these coaches in our lives and how they can support us in our journey (including mom and dad).
I wish every time we had hit a speed bump, I turned to God first, but I didn’t. Most of the time I floundered around until eventually, I prayed for help. Why didn’t I turn to Him sooner?
My biggest advice to my younger self would be to seek God’s advice first and foremost. Pray unceasingly for the challenges you are facing. Pray with your spouse as often as you can.
Just as Philippians 4:6 tells us, “but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
God will answer our prayers. Sometimes it takes lots of patience, and the answers don’t always look like we expect.
He has not left us alone to navigate this world without Him. He is with us every step of the way. We just have to remember that.
We have an amazing God. Who better knows our children than the one who created them?
Some parenting seasons are going to be tougher than others. Just when you feel like you have things figured out, you enter a new season, and you are back to square one.
I think the goal is to try and enjoy the season you are in, wherever that might be. Take one day at a time and be present in that moment.
God will get us through any challenge that is put in front of us not because of our strength, but rather because of His.
The more we can lean on His infinite wisdom and love, the better off we will be. God will equip us with the tools necessary to accomplish His goals for our lives. He will give us the resources we need when we need them. Trust in Him.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Vasyl Dolmatov