The more distractions Satan can throw at us, the more thoughts we give power to. God has given us the power and the instruction by Paul to control our thoughts rather than allowing them to control us. Paul tells us to “take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).
If we are too distracted, then it will be hard to take thoughts captive and submit them to Christ. We have so many thoughts thrown at us with all the distractions that before we know it, our thoughts are spiraling. The reason Paul teaches us to take our thoughts captive is because it’s so important to control them. Our thoughts dictate our actions, as Scripture says in Proverbs 23:7 that “as a man thinketh, so is he.”
How many times have you been afraid because you’ve been distracted with fearful thoughts, and therefore you made decisions based out of fear?
As believers, we must abide by Pauls’ teaching to be take our thoughts captive, but we first must be aware of those thoughts in our mind. We can’t just allow any thoughts in, so they don’t turn into action. Let’s not let the enemy distract us, allowing merely any thought into our minds. Let’s begin practicing by “guarding our hearts [and minds] above all else” (Proverbs 4:23) and close the door to any unwanted thoughts and distractions today.
Partner with God or Partner with the Enemy
We have a choice to partner with God or partner with the enemy by making his job easy by giving into his greatest weapon of distraction. Let’s partner with God by staying in communion with Him through prayer. This involves not just thinking about things, but actually praying about everything. When you pray about it, it leaves no room for other thoughts to enter your mind. By “praying without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17), we keep our focus on God. This is why prayer is discussed all throughout the Bible. And while we are still capable of being distracted, it will keep our focus on God.
So as believers, let’s keep on “praying at all times” (Ephesians 6:18). Pray when driving, when running errands, doing dishes, tending to children, when exercising, in silence, while working. Let’s never stop praying and partner with our God above all else and not let the enemy’s favorite weapon win.
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