Simple Symmetrical Fall Mantel

Originally published Monday, 26 October 2015.

This post first appeared at Used with permission.

As I disrobed the mantel I stood back and announced to my husband I was feeling a symmetrical scape coming on. “I don’t like symmetry” he said. “Me neither” I replied.

We are not people who decorate or do much all in a row, balanced and in symmetry.

It’s just not in my wheelhouse. Nonetheless I plugged on scavenging my house for anything in sets of two. My source list is below.

The lack of balance isn’t only in my decorating. It’s a reflection of my life at times. We all struggle with balance.


When I look at the one pinecone in the middle of this fall mantel it represents Christ in our life. All else should radiate outward from there. The bowl and platter are our family and friends. Moving to the outer edges, our other to-dos hang out there. Perched on top of those pumpkins. Piling up and up and up.

One more to-do and BAM – out of balance.

As I marinated on this mantel scenario the last few days I waited for God to tell me what to do about this problem we all have. The problem of getting our self out of symmetry. Tipping the scale out of whack.

This morning I had the rare occasion of waking up all alone in my house. My people scattered out in various places. When I opened the back door to let the dog out I was greeted by the first cool morning of Fall. I decide to plop myself outside to enjoy my coffee and soak up this surprise gift.


That’s when I saw my little friend. A hummingbird that has racked up some frequent flier miles back and forth to the flowers on our back patio.

Have you ever tried to photograph a hummingbird?

I’m sure you can imagine – there is nothing easy about it. As I sat and prayed I kept my camera close by and tried repeatedly to get a good shot of greased lightening.

“I wish she would just sit still for a moment, ” I thought, “so I could see how beautiful she is.”


And there you have it.

That’s what God wants for us to do. He wants us to just sit still every once and a while so he can relish in us. There in lies the key to balance.

For the rest of Kim's post, including images of her fully decorated living space and her source list of materials for her simple fall mantle, please check out her post at