What do you do when you feel SO ugly.

Originally published Monday, 14 December 2015.

What do you do when you feel SO ugly?

Write about it on the internet?

I mean most people probably don’t, but anyway…..

Before I left for LA, I had this MAJOR self image crises, it was kind of weird. Suddenly I found myself scrambling for new make-up, new hair, a new face care regimen, new anything to make myself look different, I hated the way I looked.

I thought I had gotten over this a few years ago:

-this self hatred thing…

-this looking at myself in the mirror with disgust thing….

-this seeing a picture of myself and thinking “is that me, is that what I look like, what’s wrong with me?” thing…

But, it popped up again the other day without me noticing, all the sudden, I couldn’t stand the sight of myself.

The Bible speaks SO clearly about the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10)

your peace, your joy, your thankfulness, your everything.

The Bible says, be sober of mind for the devil is like a roaring lion seeking for who he can devour. (1 Peter 5:8-9)

WHAT…….thankfully the Bible also says, He who is in me (and YOU as a believer of Jesus), is stronger than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4) And I will praise Jesus for that truth, the thing was this self hatred thing felt real, it felt really really real and it felt like it wasn’t going to go away this time.

I remember coming to the conclusion on one of those “hard birthdays” that this was the youngest I was ever going to be, here on earth, so I should be thankful instead of hateful and mean to myself.

When I was 25 I thought I was so ugly, but 12 years later after seeing a picture of my 25 year old self, my 37 year old self thought, “Gosh, I was kinda pretty, why did I think I was so ugly?”

Then I started to think, “Lindsay when you are 50 you are going to think your 37 year old self was pretty. SO STOP BEING MEAN TO YOURSELF…..”

Back when I was in Atlanta I was over hating the mirror so I took some old lip stick and wrote “How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place OH LORD Almighty.” Psalm 84:1 really big on my mirror. That way every time I wanted to agree with the enemy about how ugly I was, the lip stick scripture would smack me in the face. I would then suddenly realize that I was hating the very dwelling place of the Holy, Living God of the Universe. I think that is kind of wrong. I mean I am not a theologian but doesn’t sound right to me.

Recently I found this little nugget of love in Song of Solomon:

“Behold, you are beautiful, my love, behold you are BEAUTIFUL.”  Song of Solomon 4:1

-GOD (the One who created the UNIVERSE)

The One who created the universe says I (and YOU) are beautiful, who are we to disagree with Him? I mean, SERIOUS. 

Y’all, we really need to put aside the “feelings” we have about ourselves and instead replace those ugly thoughts with the truth of who we are, we are beloved and beautiful. 

You are beloved and BEAUTIFUL

Lindsay the random blogger girl is not saying this about you, It’s God!

You are the Apple of His eye! (Zechariah 2:8) 

The Word of God says so…..

So, let’s respond to the enemy like Jesus did, reminding the devil of what GOD says: 

“It is written, I am the dwelling place of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the God MOST High and He calls me lovely, He calls me beautiful”

Every word of God is flawless. (Proverbs 30:5) and Truth is Truth!